Voir la version française ici : Visière de protection médicale Covid-19
In order to help all the essential workers that work with the public during the pandemic, AMP Digital Inc. developped a face shield to create a shield against the coronavirus (covid 19).

You can purchase them here : https://ampdigital.ca/produit/visiere-de-protection-medicale/
It is design to be used by workers who might be in contact with poeple affected by the virus ;
- Doctors, nurses and other people working in heathcare
- Police departments, Fire departments
- Paramedics
- Employees working in stores
- Dentists and Orthodontists
Construction workers face shield

Other informations
- Included : the face shield comes with a protective film, a foam cushion, a rubber band
- It comes already assembled
For any information request :
Telephone : 438-386-3922
*outside working hours : 514-770-7435
Email : vente@ampdigital.ca

Voir la version française ici : Visière de protection médicale Covid-19